Friday, September 26, 2008

Introduce MySelf

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello! My name is Amri Ramadhan. You can call me Amri. I was born in March, 9 March 1994. So I am still 14 years old, now. My address is Kalimantan Street 11 Rt 02/III, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia.
I live together with my family. They are father, mother, and 2 younger brothers. My father's name is Aris Widakso. He is an employee in a distribution company named Distriversa Buanamas (DBM). He is a clever father. My mother's name is Ana Robiany. She is a kindful house wife. My brothers' name are Arsyan and Akhyar. Arsyan studies in Jetis 01 Elementary School in the third grade. Akhyar's school is MIN Sukoharjo in the first grade.
My favourite food is fried rice and my favourite drink is milk. I interested in making a manga but I bad at drawing. My hobbies are playing badminton and chess. I like watching tv, too. I like comedy program. My favourite comedy star are Komeng and Adul.
Now, I study in SBBS (Sragen Bilingual Boarding School). I am in 10C. I have a lot of friends. My friends are clever. I think SBBS is the best school. I have to study hard to study there.